1227 Haus

1227 Front StreetLeavenworthWA 98826, USA


Phone:     +1.509.669.6441

E-mail: info@1227haus.com

COntact and Location


Make sure to check our promotions page for information on special rates, promotions, and discounts throughout the year.

Cleaning Fee:   $95.00 per/stay

Sales and Lodging Tax:  11.5% tax will be added to your final total

Minimum Weekend Stay
 2 Nights, Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun

Click on the link below and you will be directed to Webervations, our on-line, secure, booking service.

1227 Haus

WANT TO Check availabililty and BOOK A RESERVATION?

Vacation Home - Leavenworth, WA